Session 1. Visual Search. Chair: Claudia Mello-Thoms, PhD
- Seeing trouble in a flash: Discrimination of normal from abnormal mammograms with brief exposure. KK Evans (current), D Georgian-Smith, R Birdwell, & JM Wolfe
- Mapping Eye Movements in Three-Dimensions: Analyzing Gaze Paths when Interpreting Volumetric Chest CT Data. M Tall, DL Ly, F Schmitzberger, D Rasooly, TJ Kim, JE Roos, DS Paik, S Napel, & GD Rubin
- Measuring Axial CTC Interaction. P Phillips
- Using eye-tracking to study diagnostic process during MRI scanning. C Cavaro-Ménard, J-Y Tanguy, & P Le Callet
- Visual Search Characteristics of Pathology Residents Reading Dermatopathology Slides. J Law & C Mello-Thoms
- Are you a good eye-witness? Perceptual differences between physicians and lay people. C Mello-Thoms
- Nuisance levels of noise effects Radiologists Performance. MF Mc Entee, A O'Beirne, J Ryan, R Toomey, M Evanoff, D Chakraborty, D Manning, & PC. Brennan
- Observer Performance in Stroke Interpretation: The Influence of Experience and Clinical Information in Multidimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. L Cooper, A Gale, J Saada, S Gedela, H Scott, & A Toms
- Interpretation of wrist radiographs: A comparison between final year medical and radiography students. L Hutchinson, P Brennan & L Rainford
- Tumor measurement for revised TNM staging of lung cancer. FL Jacobson, A Sitek, D Getty, & SE Seltzer
- Does Reader Visual Fatigue Impact Performance? EA Krupinski & KS Berbaum
- Ambient Temperature is an Important Consideration in the Radiology Reading Room. MF Mc Entee & S Gafoor
- Perceptual indicators of the holistic view in pulmonary nodule detection. MW Pietrzyk, DJ Manning, T Donovan, & Alan Dix
- An e-learning tutorial demonstrates significant improvements in ROC performance amongst naive observers in breast image interpretation. PBL Soh, PC Brennan, A Poulos, W Reed
- Is n ROC-type response Truly always better than A Binary Response? D Gur, AI Bandos, HE Rockette, ML Zuley, CM Hakim, DM Chough, MA Ganott
- Recognition of Images in Reader Studies: How Well Can We Predict Which Will Be Remembered? T Miner Haygood, P O’Sullivan, J Ryan, E Galvan, J-M Yamal, M Evanoff, M McEntee, J Madewell, C Sandler, E Lano, & P Brennan
- New classes of models with monotonic likelihood ratios. F Samuelson
- Sample size estimation procedure for free-response (FROC) studies. DP Chakraborty & M Bath
- Comparison of Four Methods (ROC, JAFROC, IDCA, and ROI) for Analysis of Free Response Clinical Data. F Zanca, DP Chakraborty, J Jacobs, G. Marchal, and H Bosmans