Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gaze Interaction in Immersive Virtual Reality - 3D Eye Tracking in Virtual Worlds

Thies Pfeiffer (blog) working in the A.I group at the Faculty of technology, Bielefeld University in Germany have presented some interesting research on 3D gaze interaction in virtual environments. As the video demonstrates they have achieved high accuracy for gaze based pointing and selection. This opens up for a wide range of interesting man-machine interaction where digital avatars may mimic natural human behavior. Impressive.

  • Pfeiffer, T. (2008). Towards Gaze Interaction in Immersive Virtual Reality: Evaluation of a Monocular Eye Tracking Set-Up. In Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität - Fünfter Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, 81-92. Aachen: Shaker Verlag GmbH. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
  • Pfeiffer, T., Latoschik, M.E. & Wachsmuth, I. (2008). Evaluation of Binocular Eye Trackers and Algorithms for 3D Gaze Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 5 (16), dec. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [URL] [PDF]
  • Pfeiffer, T., Donner, M., Latoschik, M.E. & Wachsmuth, I. (2007). 3D fixations in real and virtual scenarios. Journal of Eye Movement Research, Special issue: Abstracts of the ECEM 2007, 13.
  • Pfeiffer, T., Donner, M., Latoschik, M.E. & Wachsmuth, I. (2007). Blickfixationstiefe in stereoskopischen VR-Umgebungen: Eine vergleichende Studie. In Vierter Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, 113-124. Aachen: Shaker. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
List of all publications available here.

1 comment: said...

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